Apartament 4 camere parter

Apartament 4 camere parter
Apartament 4 camere parter Apartament 4 camere parter Parter , decomandat , faianta/ gresie/ termopan/ CT , balcon cu scari pentru acces direct , sistem alarma , central (gara/ BRD/ tribunal) , pretabil birou/sediu firma. 57483 57000.00
256 500 ron negotiable.
Click to change currency 256 500 ron negotiable.
Click to change currency
Piatra Neamţ, Neamţ 11 Nov 2013
57483 200

Parter , decomandat , faianta/ gresie/ termopan/ CT , balcon cu scari pentru acces direct , sistem alarma , central (gara/ BRD/ tribunal) , pretabil birou/sediu firma.