Oscar Wilde - Collected Works / Opere complete

Oscar Wilde - Collected Works / Opere complete
Oscar Wilde - Collected Works / Opere complete Oscar Wilde - Collected Works / Opere complete Volum nou, stare foarte buna Editura: Wordsworth Editions, UK Versiune in limba engleza A collection of Oscar Wildes's many varied works. These include the tender fairy stories he wrote for his children; his novels, many of which shocked and outraged many readers of his day; plays which wer... 162589 160.00
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Bucureşti, Bucureşti 27 Mar 2015
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Editura: Wordsworth Editions, UK

Versiune in limba engleza

A collection of Oscar Wildes's many varied works. These include the tender fairy stories he wrote for his children; his novels, many of which shocked and outraged many readers of his day; plays which were enormously successful and continue to be so; and poems and essays.