Passat 1999

Passat 1999
Passat 1999 Passat 1999 Volkswagen passat, an de fabricatie 99 motor 1,9 diesel tip motor AFN abs geamuri electrice fata spate etc. Inmatriculata bulgaria pe firma, ITP facut in Ro valabil pana in 03.2015 72434 2000.00
9 000 ron negotiable.
Click to change currency 9 000 ron negotiable.
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Arpașu de Sus, Sibiu 10 Jan 2014
72434 818

Volkswagen passat, an de fabricatie 99 motor 1,9 diesel tip motor AFN abs geamuri electrice fata spate etc.
Inmatriculata bulgaria pe firma, ITP facut in Ro valabil pana in 03.2015